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CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown. Datung the few series that dating funda, Caggie's sol with Spencer dating funda, as the duo dating funda to dalliances, but their homo never appeared to materialise into something serious before Caggie quit Made In Chelsea in series three. Fonda appears as the co-lead in the series. The film and Fonda's performance received critical acclaim upon release. In 1994, the Civil Nations Population Fund made Fonda a Goodwill Ambassador. She won another BAFTA Award for Best Actress in 1979 withabout a cover-up of a vulnerability in a. In the few series that followed, Caggie's relationship with Spencer progressed, as the duo confessed to dalliances, but their romance never appeared to materialise into something serious before Caggie quit Dating funda In Chelsea in series three. Retrieved September 8, 2009. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done.

She is a two-time winner, two-time winner, and four-time winner. In 2014, Fonda was the recipient of the. In 2017, she was awarded the for Lifetime Achievement at the 74th. Fonda made her debut in the 1960 play There Was a Little Girl, for which she received the first of two nominations, and made her screen debut later the same year in. She rose to fame in 1960s films such as 1962 , 1963 , 1965 , 1967 and 1968. Her first husband was Barbarella director. A seven-time Academy Award nominee, she received her first nomination for 1969 and went on to win two Oscars in the 1970s for 1971 and 1978. Her other nominations were for 1977 , 1979 , 1981 and 1986. Consecutive hits 1977 , 1978 , 1979 and 1980 sustained Fonda's box-office drawing power, and she won an for her performance in the 1984 TV film. In 1982, she released her first exercise video, Jane Fonda's Workout, which became the highest-selling VHS of all time. It would be the first of 22 workout videos released by her over the next 13 years which would collectively sell over 17 million copies. Divorced from second husband , she married billionaire in 1991 and retired from acting, following a row of commercially unsuccessful films concluded by 1990. Fonda divorced Turner in 2001 and returned to the screen with the 2005 hit. Though 2007 was the star's only other movie during the 2000s, in the early 2010s she fully re-launched her career. Subsequent films have included 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2017 and 2018. In 2009, she returned to Broadway after a 45-year absence from the stage, in the play which earned her a Tony Award nomination, while her major recurring role in the drama series 2012—2014 earned her two Emmy Award nominations. She also released another five exercise videos between 2010 and 2012. Fonda currently stars with , and in the original series , which premiered in 2015. Fonda was a visible political activist in the during the and later became involved in advocacy for women. She was famously and controversially photographed sitting on an on a 1972 visit to. She has also protested the and violence against women, and describes herself as a. In 2005, she, and co-founded the , an organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy, media and leadership training, and the creation of original content. Fonda serves on the board of the organization. Fonda with father, Navy Lieutenant 1943 Jane Seymour Fonda was born in New York City on December 21, 1937. Her parents were Canadian-born socialite née Seymour; 1908—1950 , and actor 1905—1982. According to her father, their surname came from an Italian ancestor who immigrated to the Netherlands in the 1500s. There, he intermarried, and the family began to use Dutch given names, with Jane's first Fonda ancestor reaching New York in 1650. She also has English, Scottish, and French ancestry. She was named for the third wife of , , to whom she is distantly related on her mother's side. In 1950, when Fonda was 12, her mother committed while undergoing treatment at Craig House psychiatric hospital in. Later that year, Fonda's father married socialite born 1928 , just nine years his daughter's senior; this marriage ended in divorce. At 15 Fonda taught dance at. Fonda attended the in , and in , where she was an undistinguished student. Before her acting career, she was a , appearing twice on the cover of. Fonda became interested in acting in 1954, while appearing with her father in a charity performance of The Country Girl at the. After dropping out of Vassar, she went to Paris for six months to study art. It was the first time that anyone, except my father — who had to say so — told me I was good. It was a turning point in my life. I went to bed thinking about acting. I woke up thinking about acting. It was like the roof had come off my life! She averaged almost two movies a year throughout the decade, starting in 1960 with , in which she recreated one of her roles as a college cheerleader pursuing a basketball star, played by. The latter, in which she played a prostitute, earned her a for. In 1963, she appeared in. Fonda's career breakthrough came with 1965 , in which she played a schoolmarm turned outlaw. This comedy received five nominations, with winning best actor, and was one of the year's top ten films at the box office. It was considered by many to have been the film that brought Fonda to stardom. After this came the comedies 1966 , opposite and , and 1967 , co-starring. In 1968, she played the title role in the spoof , which established her status as a. In contrast, the tragedy 1969 won her critical acclaim, and she earned her first Oscar nomination for the role. Fonda was very selective by the end of the decade, turning down lead roles in and. Established actress 1970—1979 Fonda won her first in 1971, again playing a prostitute, the Bree Daniels, in the murder mystery. She won her second Oscar in 1978 for her role as an adulteress in , the story of a disabled Vietnam War veteran's difficulty in re-entering civilian life. Both performances earned her a as well. Between Klute in 1971 and in 1977, Fonda did not have a major film success. She appeared in 1973 , and 1976. But the truth is that my career, far from being destroyed after the war, flourished with a vigor it had not previously enjoyed. Her return to acting in a series of 'issue-driven' films reflected this new focus. She is a splendid actress with a strong analytical mind which sometimes gets in her way, and with an incredible technique and control of emotion; she can cry at will, on cue, mere drops or buckets, as the scene demands... I thought Jane well deserved the Oscar she should have got. The two directors then made , in which the two spent nearly an hour discussing a news photograph of Fonda. Through her production company, IPC Films, she produced films that helped return her to star status. Also in 1977, she portrayed the playwright in , receiving positive reviews, and Awards for Best Actress, and an Oscar nomination. During this period, Fonda announced that she would make only films that focused on important issues, and she generally stuck to her word. She turned down because she felt the part was not relevant. She won another BAFTA Award for Best Actress in 1979 with , about a cover-up of a vulnerability in a. The same year, she starred in with her previous co-star,. Critically acclaimed performances 1980—1990 Fonda and photographer Alan Light following the in 1990 In 1980, Fonda starred in with and. The film was a huge critical and box office success, becoming the second highest-grossing release of the year. Fonda had long wanted to work with her father, hoping it would help their strained relationship. She achieved this goal when she purchased the screen rights to the play , specifically for her father and her. He died five months later. Fonda continued to appear in feature films throughout the 1980s, winning an for 1984 , and starring in the role of Dr. Martha Livingston in 1985. She was nominated for yet another for her portrayal of an murder suspect in the 1986 thriller , opposite. She ended the decade by appearing in. This was followed by the romantic drama 1990 with , which was her final film for 15 years. Exercise videos For many years Fonda took class to keep fit, but after fracturing her foot while filming The China Syndrome, she was no longer able to participate. To compensate, she began participating in and strengthening exercises under the direction of Leni Cazden. The Leni Workout became the Jane Fonda Workout, which began a second career for her, continuing for many years. This was considered one of the influences that started the fitness craze among , then approaching middle age. In 1982, Fonda released her first exercise video, titled Jane Fonda's Workout, inspired by her best-selling book,. Jane Fonda's Workout became the highest selling home video of the next few years, selling over a million copies. The video's release led many people to buy the then-new in order to watch and perform the workout at home. The exercise videos were produced and directed by Sidney Galanty, who helped to put the deal together with video distributor Stuart Karl, of Karl Home Video. Galanty produced the first video and 11 more after that. She would subsequently release 23 workout videos with the series selling a total of 17 million copies combined, more than any other exercise series. She released five workout books and thirteen audio programs, through 1995. After a fifteen-year hiatus, she released two new fitness videos on DVD in 2010, aiming at an older audience. Retirement and return Fonda with the director and stars of at the. In the early 1990s, after three decades in film, Fonda announced her retirement from the film industry. In May 2005, she returned to the screen with the box office success , starring opposite. Two years later, Fonda starred in the -directed drama alongside and. In 2009, Fonda returned to , first time since 1963, playing Katherine Brandt in 's. The role earned her a Tony nomination for. Work after retirement 2010—present Fonda filmed her second movie in French when she had a leading role in the 2011 drama. The same year she starred alongside in , playing a hippie grandmother. In 2012, Fonda began a recurring role as Leona Lansing, CEO of a major media company, in HBO's original political drama. Her role continued throughout the show's three seasons, and Fonda received two Emmy nominations for. In 2013, Fonda had a small role in , portraying First Lady. She had more film work the following year, appearing in the comedies and. She also voiced a character on. She played an acting diva in 's in 2015, for which she earned a nomination. Her upcoming film roles include with. Fonda appears as the co-lead in the series. She and play aging women whose husbands reveal they are in love. Filming on the first season was completed in November 2014, and the show premiered online on May 8, 2015. In 2016, Fonda voiced Shuriki in. In June 2016, the released a video in tribute to the victims of the ; in the video, Fonda and others told the stories of the people killed there. Fonda starred in her fourth collaboration with in the 2017 romantic drama film. The film and Fonda's performance received critical acclaim upon release. In 2018, she starred opposite , , and in the romantic comedy film. During the 1960s, Fonda engaged in in support of the , and in. Along with other celebrities, she supported the occupation by in 1969, which was intended to call attention to the failures of the government with regards to treaty rights and the movement for greater Indian sovereignty. It runs in our blood. The dialogue was made into a movie F. On May 4, 1970, Fonda appeared before an assembly at the , in Albuquerque, to speak on GI rights and issues. The end of her presentation was met with a discomforting silence. The quiet was broken when poet staggered onto the stage. Drunk, Corso challenged Fonda, using a four-letter expletive: Why hadn't she addressed the by the Ohio National Guard, which had just taken place? In the same year, Fonda spoke out against the war at a rally organized by VVAW in. She offered to help raise funds for VVAW and, for her efforts, was rewarded with the title of Honorary National Coordinator. On November 3, 1970, Fonda started a tour of college campuses on which she raised funds for the organization. Controversial visit to Hanoi Jane Fonda on the NVA anti-aircraft gun Between 1965 and 1972, almost 300 Americans — mostly civil rights activists, teachers and pastors — traveled to North Vietnam to see firsthand the war situation with the Vietnamese. News media in the United States would only provide the official view from Washington, and American travelers to Vietnam were routinely harassed upon their return to the States. Fonda also visited Vietnam, traveling to in July 1972 to witness firsthand the bombing damage to the dikes. After touring and photographing dike systems in North Vietnam, she said the United States had been. Columnist , who was also touring North Vietnam, said he believed the damage to the dikes was incidental and was being used as propaganda by Hanoi, and that, if the U. In her 2005 autobiography, she wrote that she was manipulated into sitting on the battery; she had been horrified at the implications of the pictures and regretted taking them. In a 2011 entry at her official website, Fonda explained: It happened on my last day in Hanoi. I was exhausted and an emotional wreck after the 2-week visit... The translator told me that the soldiers wanted to sing me a song. He translated as they sung. It was a song about the day 'Uncle Ho' declared their country's independence in Hanoi's Ba Dinh Square. I heard these words: 'All men are created equal; they are given certain rights; among these are life, Liberty and Happiness. I began to cry and clap. They celebrate the same words Americans do. I memorized a song called 'Day Ma Di', written by anti-war South Vietnamese students. I knew I was slaughtering it, but everyone seemed delighted that I was making the attempt. Everyone was laughing and clapping, including me... Here is my best, honest recollection of what happened: someone I don't remember who led me towards the gun, and I sat down, still laughing, still applauding. It all had nothing to do with where I was sitting. I hardly even thought about where I was sitting. It is possible that it was a set up, that the Vietnamese had it all planned. I will never know. But if they did I can't blame them. The buck stops here. If I was used, I allowed it to happen... But the photo exists, delivering its message regardless of what I was doing or feeling. I carry this heavy in my heart. I have apologized numerous times for any pain I may have caused servicemen and their families because of this photograph. It was never my intention to cause harm. Fonda made radio broadcasts on Hanoi Radio throughout her two-week tour, commenting on her visits to villages, hospitals, schools, and factories damaged in the war and denouncing U. Fonda has defended her decision to travel to North Vietnam, and her radio broadcasts. During the course of her visit, Fonda visited American POWs , and brought back messages from them to their families. These were not men who had been starved. These were not men who had been brainwashed. Fonda, as well as the named POWs, have personally denied the rumors, and subsequent interviews with the POWs showed these rumored allegations to be false as the persons named had never met Fonda. In 1972, Fonda helped fund and organize the Indochina Peace Campaign, which continued to mobilize antiwar activists across the nation after the 1973 , through 1975, when the United States withdrew from Vietnam. Because of her tour of North Vietnam during wartime and the subsequent rumors circulated about her visit, resentment against her among some veterans and currently serving U. In 2005, Michael A. Navy veteran, was arrested for disorderly conduct in , after he spat chewing tobacco in Fonda's face during a book-signing event for her autobiography, My Life So Far. It was absolutely worth it. There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did. Regrets In a 1988 interview with , Fonda expressed regret for some of her comments and actions, stating: I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did. I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless. Some critics responded that her apology came at a time when a group of New England Veterans had launched a campaign to disrupt a film project she was working on, leading to the charge that her apology was motivated at least partly by self-interest. In a interview on March 31, 2005, Fonda reiterated that she had no regrets about her trip to in 1972, with the exception of the anti-aircraft-gun photo. Both sides were using the POWs for propaganda... It's not something that I will apologize for. Fonda's communications, as well as those of her husband, , were intercepted by Britain's GCHQ. Under the , intercepted data on Americans were sent to the U. We were violated and it's not right. Fonda said that her difficult past led her to become such a passionate activist for women's rights. The actress is an active supporter of the V-Day movement, which works to stop violence against women and girls. In 2001, she established the Jane Fonda Center for Adolescent Reproductive Health, which aims to help prevent teen pregnancy. Fonda revealed in 2014 that her mother, , was recurrently sexually abused as young as eight, and this may have led to her suicide when Jane was 12. Fonda on the cover of in 2006 Fonda has been a longtime supporter of feminist causes, including , a movement to stop violence against women, inspired by the off-Broadway hit , of which she is an honorary chairperson. She was at the first summit in 2002, bringing together founder , Afghan women oppressed by the , and a activist campaigning to save girls from. In 2001, she established the Jane Fonda Center for Adolescent Reproductive Health at in to help prevent adolescent pregnancy through training and program development. On February 16, 2004, Fonda led a march through , with , and other women, urging to provide sufficient resources to newly appointed officials in helping investigate the murders of hundreds of women in the rough border city. In 2004, she also served as a mentor to the first all- cast of The Vagina Monologues. In the days before the September 17, 2006 elections, Fonda went to Sweden to support the new political party in their election campaign. In My Life So Far, Fonda stated that she considers to be harmful to men as well as women. The group had occupied part of the grounds of , which was in the process of being surplussed by the and turned into a park. In addition to environmental reasons, Fonda has been a critic of oil pipelines because of their being built without consent on Native American Land. She demonstrated with against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and outside the residence of Israel's Prime Minister. She later visited Jewish and Arab doctors, and patients at a Jerusalem hospital, followed by visits to to see a physical rehabilitation center and Palestinian refugee camp. She was heckled by three members of as she arrived to meet with leading Israeli feminists. Other signers included actor , musician , journalist , and authors , , and. By calling into question the legitimacy of Tel Aviv, they are supporting a one-state solution, which means the destruction of the State of Israel. It certainly has been wildly distorted. Contrary to the lies that have been circulated, the protest letter was not demonizing Israeli films and filmmakers. That's the way to show Israel's commitment to peace, not a PR campaign. There will be no two-state solution unless this happens. I am for the two-state solution. I have been to Israel many times and love the country and its people. Opposition to the Iraq War See also: Fonda argued that the military campaign in Iraq will turn people all over the world against America, and asserted that a global hatred of America would result in more terrorist attacks in the aftermath of the war. In July 2005, Fonda announced plans to make an anti-war bus tour in March 2006 with her daughter and several families of military veterans, saying that some war veterans she had met while on her book tour had urged her to speak out against the. She later canceled the tour due to concerns that she would divert attention from 's activism. In September 2005, Fonda was scheduled to join British politician and anti-war activist at two stops on his U. She canceled her appearances at the last minute, citing instructions from her doctors to avoid travel following recent hip surgery. On January 27, 2007, Fonda participated in an anti-war rally and march held on the in Washington, D. She spoke at an anti-war rally earlier that day at the , where members of the organization picketed in a counter protest. Fonda and Kerry In the , her name was used as a disparaging epithet against , a former VVAW leader, who was then the presidential candidate. Kerry's opponents also showing Fonda and Kerry in the same large crowd at a 1970 anti-war rally, though they sat several rows apart. A faked composite photograph, which gave a false impression that the two had shared a speaker's platform, was also circulated. Environmentalism In 2015, Fonda expressed disapproval of President Barack Obama's permitting of drilling at the Sundance Film Festival. The march aimed to show businesses and politicians alike that climate change is inherently linked to issues that may seem unrelated. In addition to issues of Civil Rights, Fonda has been an opponent of oil developments and their adverse effects on the environment. In January 2009, Fonda started chronicling her Broadway return in a blog with posts about topics ranging from her Pilates class to fears and excitement about her new play. She uses and has a page. In 2011, Fonda published a new book: Prime Time: Love, health, sex, fitness, friendship, spirit — making the most of all of your life. Fonda's charitable works have focused on youth and education, adolescent reproductive health, environment, human services, and the arts. Fonda has established the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power and Potential GCAPP in the mid 1990s and the Fonda Family Foundation in the late 1990s. In the mid 2000s, Fonda founded the Jane Fonda Foundation in 2004 with one million dollars of her own money as a charitable corporation with herself as president, chair, director and secretary; Fonda contributes 10 hours each week on its behalf. Fonda and her first husband in Rome in 1967 during the filming of Barbarella. Jane Fonda has been married and divorced three times. Fonda married her first husband, French film director , on August 14, 1965 at the in Las Vegas. The couple had a daughter, Vanessa Vadim, born on September 28, 1968 in Paris, France and named after the actress and activist. On January 19, 1973, three days after obtaining a divorce from Vadim in , Fonda married activist in a free-form ceremony at her home in. Fonda and Hayden named their son for. Hayden chose O'Donovan as the middle name after Irish revolutionary. In 1982, Fonda and Hayden unofficially adopted an African-American teenager, known as Lulu , who was the daughter of members of the. Fonda and Hayden divorced on June 10, 1990 in. Fonda and her third husband on the at the 1992 She married her third husband, cable-television tycoon and founder , on December 21, 1991 at a ranch near , about 20 miles east of. The pair divorced on May 22, 2001 in. From 2009 until 2017, Fonda was in a relationship with record producer. Faith Fonda grew up but turned to in the early 2000s. Health As a child, Fonda suffered from a poor self-image and lack of confidence in her appearance, an issue exacerbated by her father. He was a good man, and I was mad for him, but he sent messages to me that fathers should not send: Unless you look perfect, you're not going to be loved. It takes longer to recover from a bout... I had a career, I was winning awards, I was supporting nonprofits, I had a family. I had to make a choice: I live or I die. In 1981, she was awarded the. In 1994, the United Nations Population Fund made Fonda a Goodwill Ambassador. In 2004, she was awarded the 21 Leaders for the 21st Century award as one of Seven Who Change Their Worlds. In 2007, Fonda was awarded an Honorary by President Gilles Jacob for career achievement. Only three others had received such an award — , , and. In December 2008, Fonda was inducted into the , located at. In November and December 2009, she received the and Lifetime Achievement Award. She was also selected as the 42nd recipient 2014 of the. In 2017, she received a lifetime achievement award. Jane Fonda: An Intimate Biography. Jane was Jane Seymour Fonda and, as a child, was known as Lady Jane by her mother and everyone else. Retrieved March 2, 2017. Jellis Douwe Fonda 1614—1659 , a Dutch emigrant from Friesland, immigrated and first went to Beverwyck now in 1650; he was the founder of the City of see. Archived from on March 15, 2012. 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